Bringing Irish reg car to Spain


Registered User

I have a car that i wish to bring and leave in Spain for use on occassion when my family may be over there as a run around.
I will be non resident in Spain and there for a max one month at a time two or three times a year and well below 6 months a year in total.
My understandong is that i can drive the car over in Spain with no issue for upto 6 months a year.
Is this correct and has anyone any experience or advise ?

don't know in relation to car and whether it would need to be re registered there.
But what about insurance, will you have to get insurance in spain and if so they may require that it is spanish registered. Don't think you will get insurance here to cover a car that is out of the country - based on friend trying to get insurance for his irish reg car in uk.
you can bring in a car from spain to ireland and are generally covered for 3 months on spanish insurance. Same probably goes for Irish cars travelling id imagine but just call the insurance company to check first. On tax you shouldnt need it for the first few months i.e you would be treated as a tourist for a honeymoon period but would need to sort it after a fe months. Again find out when from the appropriate tax office
A family member has a house in Spain that is visited about 6 months a year on and off. They purchased a small cheap car over there that they use whenever they visit. It is taxed, registered and insured in Spain.