Bringing documents to Garda station



Boyfriend was driving my car the other day and was stopped at a checkpoint. Guard wants him to bring documents to the garda station, license, tax, insurance and nct.

He'll bring his license and insurance in tomorrow but we wont have the other documents until later in the week. He'll be working 13 hour days from Thursday until the ten day period closes next Monday so won't make the Garda office opening hours.
Could I, as registered owner of the car, bring in the tax and nct??
AFAIK it doesn't matter who produces the documents as long as they are produced.
You could ring the station to get confirmation on this.
If you are to produce them I would wait and produce all 4 together.
Thank you very much! I will ring them in the morning. It would be so much handier if I could bring them in
My understanding is that the person who was driving must produce the required documents at the station of their choosing in 10 days in person.

It is fine to produce documents separately, the NCT in particular.
Would not be unusual for the license and insurance cert to be produced with a a confirmation email for the NCT test, and bring in the cert when that's passed.

Definitely do not miss the 10 day window. Automatic summons.
Also insist on Garda in station writing acknowledgement for him that he did in fact produce them? Otherwise the Garda who stopped him may not know they ever were produced and issue a fine? Does happen Im afraid!!
Following an accident I had to produce documents, but as it was a hire car I couldn't produce insurance certificate for a few days....i went into station, produced what i could, and they made a note on the file to say i was in the process of obtaining insurance cert. Took over 2 weeks in the end to get hold of but i just kept the Gard in question updated. Wasn't a problem.
Gotta do the same myself. I rear-ended someone, who isn't making a claim thank God, and the Garda wanted to see my full insurance policy. I only had the disc in the car with me.