Brian Cowen - no confidence motion

I wonder if he is going to just get a phone for the his new portfolio?? leave a message minder saying 'the country is broke and closed, will get back to you when out of office'
Just saw Cowan on the news destroy both Gilmore and kenny. Especially kenny. God help us. Get rid of Cowan and FF and we get the next bunch. There is no way to win. Glad to see our national parliament laughing and playing childish politics with nothing better to do. No legislation to pass lads? The whole lot of them are idiots.
Sunny, I agree with much of what you say, but what way do we vote in the election?
I have no idea and I cringe at the thoughts of people like David McWilliams setting up a new party that plays on peoples fears and promises new beginnings blah blah blah. Having said that, might just give them a go. Imagine sitting on the dole and watching the antics of the past few days. Have they not realised that people don't care about party politics. We want leaders. Whether that comes from any of the traditional parties or a new party, I don't care.
We all want leaders not fools. But who are they?

If you find them, let me know! To be fair, there are plenty of capable people in politics across the divide but get lost in party political games.
I can't understand why there is going to be a re-shuffle now in the last days of the government. Mary Harney's reason does not make sense. She said it would not be right to stay on if she was not contesting the next election. I would have thought if she did not have an election campaign to distract her it would be an advantage to her?
Now 4 new ministers are supposed to adjust to their new positions while fighting an election campaign.
No, they have to do two years as a minister to be entitled to a pension.

However, it did mention on the radio they would be entitled to severence pay when they finish in that position. Not sure of the criteria but a figure of 75% was mentioned and the example given was that even if they spend one month as a minister, they would be entitled to severence pay of 75% of one month's salary.
Have they not realised that people don't care about party politics. We want leaders. Whether that comes from any of the traditional parties or a new party, I don't care.

Saw this summed up in some paper last week: "We need to decide whether or not we want someone to lead the country or someone who can get you planning permission"

Saw this summed up in some paper last week: "We need to decide whether or not we want someone to lead the country or someone who can get you planning permission"

Best quote I've seen in a while. Ask yourselves, when the election comes around, will you be voting for the best candidates for your own area or for the country. Whilst we would all like the best for our country, IMO most people will vote for the former.