Myself and my wife are just about to be homeless and we are now looking at renting a property until we find a house to buy.
Short term rentals are very expensive so we were wondering what are the implications if we took out a 1 year lease and broke it during the year. What is the cost to us? Is it just 1 month's rental?
Be careful.
I am definitely not an expert but I would imagine that you would have to pay for the full year's lease , unless an arrangement could be arrived at to get you out of the lease.
We recently broke a 12 month lease after 6 months when we bought a place, but we entered into the lease in good faith (i.e. we intended to stay for the 12 months). Under the terms of the lease, the landlord was entitled to claim the remaining 6 months rent. However, he did not do so (he had no problem letting us out of the lease). I think this really depends on the landlord, and the likelihood of them securing another tenant.
Most landlords are fine in situations like this. You have to remember though that your landlord will need to get another tenant in to replace you at a time that you have the property leased for, so a good compromise would be if you allowed him to show to tenants before you move out and keep the place looking good.
If the new tenant moves in straight away the landlord has no reason to withhold your money or chase you.
However its only fair that you compensate him if he loses out because you broke the lease.
As i said though, most landlords are fine with exceptional circumstances.