Breakdown in Galway


Registered User
Dont know if anyone can help. Our son is in Galway Institute of technology and he has a 1996 honda civic,. When he satrted the car the other morning although the engine turned over and the car started teh car started shuddering and jumping (his description) He thinks that the timing belt is gone ( the car had just passed the nct two days before) He is in digs in Galway where the car now is but we are living in donegal . He does not know any mechanics or garages in Galway that he could have the car towed to to see what is wrong with it. His usual garage is in Donegal but I dont think quinn direct would cover the towing costs to Donegal . Does anybody know a garage in Galway that might look at this for him without charging him and arm and a leg . Any help appreciated
Did he try and start it in gear by any chance? maybe that's all that wrong, ask him to try it again with the clutch engaged.
my daughter was in similar situation last year and got this phone no on this forum 091758909. She went to this guy and he looked at the car and told her it safe to drive it home where her uncle would fix it. He spent some time on it but no work but did not charge her at all. He came recommended on this forum but I cant remember his location. I hope this helps
Thanks he is going to try this number. There is a garage called kilduffs near nuns isand but can not find a number for it in golden pages. Does anybody know the number or the name of the guys who own the garage