Breach of Confidentiality


Registered User

Recently a pal of mine, who works for a company, lets say employer A went to look for another job. They applied directly to another company in the same industry, let’s say company B.

Company B contacted my pal to confirm receipt of his/her application and will revert in due course.

Apparently on their own steam, Company B contacted another company D for a reference for my pal. No references were quoted on my pals CV and no one from company B asked if it was OK for them to contact company D. Company D was, up to recently partnered with Company A, her employer. If my pal had known that company B wished to contact D for a reference they would have point blank said no.

Now my pal is stating that everyone in his/her work place knows that they are going for a job in company B. It has not been said directly to my pal, but all of his/her friends have gone back to and told him/her that even all the directors know.

Basically Company B contacted company D who in turn contacted his/her employer "A" and shot their mouth off.

Any suggestions as this put my pal in a little sticky situation especially if they do not get the other job, as David Brent once said "they would not be looked upon favourably".

My pal does not want to upset the employer B as they would really like the job but seriously wishes to confront D, any thoughts.
I'm not getting the full picture. What was the prior relationship between the candidate & company D?

To be honest, I'd be more worried about B than D. Checking references without prior permission is pretty dodgy. If it happens through an informal network (as may frequently occur), it should be done sensitively and confidentially. Is he sure that he really wants to work for a company than can't handle a simple issue like this properly?

He could always confront the individual in D with the big mouth and make them aware of the impact of their actions. That might make them think twice next time round. Be aware that news of the confrontation will almost certainly get back to D & A & B.
Thanks Rainy, Company D was formerly owned by her current employer "A", they separated recently and each went out on their own, technically speaking there is no link between each business but most of the Senior Managers/Directors in both businesses are friends and this is how the news was fed back to their current employer.

Obviously I have concerns over this potential employers bungling but I cannot help putting the blame on the person who works for company ""D" as they obviously have not got a shred of professionalism.