Bravo Jennifer Sleeman


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I hope I'm as articulate, passionate and intelligent when I grow up. You may or may not agree with her message but still you must admire the delivery!
Well said Vanilla. But The women and men of Ireland should need no such prompting. If they just sat down and briefly contemplated the finer workings of the vatican, it's hierarchy and acolytes ............ and cast the pisogs aside, they may well be in a position to make a sage decision. The workings of the Lord are mysterious. Indeed!
I heard a few older women (50+) on the radio saying that there was no way on earth that they would miss the eucharist for even 1 week. It must be tough to abstain from eating/drinking the body and blood of a 2000 year old man/god. In RC theology, the bread and wine are actually changed into the body and blood of Christ - is it not symbolism.
Its the second coming of Girl Power ...... aaaagghhhhhh

Isnt there a slight contradiction, you think its all a cod but at the same time you want more women in it? Or maybe the female influence will be part of the solution - I could see that. Also an end to compulsory celibacy would help on the image side of it, & it mighnt be a discouraging factor for vocations (which I presume it is).
Its the second coming of Girl Power ...... aaaagghhhhhh

You'd want to watch out for 'girl-power', making patronising remarks like that...

I'm not a practising catholic anymore so sad to say that the church won't notice my absence that day but I think she makes a good argument and I really admire her for taking the stance.
Whilst her boycott is an excellent idea she and 'the sisters' are wasting their time with the present dictator. Whatever about his predecessor not a hope in hell of this guy taking any notice of mere women.
Although I'd agree that the current Pope's views and sentiments are driving people from the RC Church by the day - since yer wan down in Cork has already moved from Presbyterianism to the RC Church - could it be a case of just no pleasing some women?