boundary wall issue




This is my first time posting so please move it, if I have posted this in the wrong section.

I overheard my neighbour talking with a contractor about adding a 4 foot trellis to our already 9 foot back garden wall which runs between both properties. Before I speak to them I wanted to have my facts straight around what rights I have to object? I believe that light is a very weak argument!

Background: I paid for this wall to be built with the agreement of the previous occupier and it runs right along the edge of my property. however, when these new neighbours moved in I let them add another brick to the wall as they wanted further their own expense.

I'd appreciate any advice as this is going to be a tough conversation - a past request to trim some 20 ft front garden bushes was not so politely objected to.
You say it runs "right along the edge of your property" so is it not a party wall, ie, it does not straddle the boundary? If it was built just inside your property then regardless of whether you let them add to YOUR wall on YOUR property last time, you can tell them 'no' this time without reason. If it's a party wall it's more complex obviously.
Thanks for your reply. That's right it is just barely within my property.