Bought house as affordable housing within a local authority housing estate.

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I think the local authority situation is really unfair and something that was over looked.

A friend of mine bought her house as an affordable housing within a local authority housing estate, in the new part of the estate which she lives her house is the only one that is privately owned and therefore she is the only one that is liable for the household tax.

And just to add insult to injury she is unemployed at the moment, paying a mortgage and the household charge where some of her neighbours are employed, paying low rent to the local authority and are exempt from the household charge, and her neighbours that are in the same position as her (unemployed) simply don't have to worry about it.

As much as I hate paying it I don't totally detest the charge but it needs to be looked at in a more equal manner.
Thanks for the clarification.

Even if the Local Authorities (as Property Owning Landlords) were not exempt their tenants would not be liable for the charge.
HI eok

Why don't you or she make a submission to the committee which is looking at making the charge fairer?
Typical Irish begrudgery clouding someones judgement to put out your eye to spite your face in my view. Better to abolish this charge than anything else. A huge majority appear to have not paid. As much as I hate the following idea and detest tax and spend attitudes in general : I have to say that capital gains tax on the sale of the family home is probably the fairest of this type of taxes. At least then you are taxing a gain instead of a loss. However I strongly believe that this type of tax is just a further insult to those held hostage in the economy by virtue of having family and roots here while those who caused most of the mess would have their assets held untouchable abroad. Why a ''wealth'' tax on the family home and not on holdings of stocks and shares etc ? It doesn't make sense.

(not that this is not in my view a tax on wealth as you pay it even if you are up to your eyeballs in debt and worth more dead than alive)
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