Bought a new Astra but still no sign of it!!!


Registered User
My partner bought a new Astra or more likely ordered a new cara few weeks ago and was told the car would be ready in a few days, a couple of days later and no car, we let it sit for a a week then I went to the garage and basically was told a pile of shyte, definetley here next day etc etc,a week later again and still no car. Id be inclined to tell then to shove it and go to a different straight talking dealer(fat chance of that) My partner has also signed something at the garage but dosent know what it was but no money has been exchanged, could we tell them to kep the car? It worth about 23k and incidently does anyone know how much profit a garage makes on cars?
dude, if you have ordered a new car then it usually takes 6 weeks or more from ordering to deliver. If the garage can source the exact car you ordered sooner (i.e. from another Open garage), the you may get it quickly. But if you ordered extras etc, then the car will be built to your specs. The salesman should have explained all that to you.

BTW: Never sign anything unless you read it first
The salesman said that the car would be ready for collection within 5 days of requesting the car, about 3 weeks later and a countless bullshyte excuses every few days, "car on the way" "will be here within two days" etc and still no car. Have we any legal right to tell him to shove it up his This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language and move on to another dealer who'll be straight up from the beginning, I honestly wouldn't mind waiting for a month or more its just been taken for a totally gullible eejit thats galling.
Not being rude but it an Astra that you are buying not a Bentley. Why don't you check on availability in other Garages and if there is a car available for purchase buy it. I cannot see how you would be tied in legally by the first Garage as they failed to provide the goods on the specified delivery.
This is O/T but Astra is the most uncomfortable car I have driven in a long time. I was given one as a replacement while my car is in the garage.
What was uncomfortable about it. I find them ok.

I find the seats to feel 'lumpy'. I am normal size so it would have nothing to do with my height, weight, etc. I also find that the cup holder practically behind the driver's seat is a bit silly (I am a bit of a coffee addict) as well as window switches were too far to the front of the door - I had to lean forward to open or close the window. There are a few other bits that didn't really work for me but it's just my opinion.
Theres different seats in different model. In the base diesel trim, they are firmer than a lot of cars, I'd like a bit more lumar support in them. Otherwise I thought they were ok. Didn't notice cup holder, or window switches. The auto indicators would put me off though.
Hatchetman, I think Ron Burgundy knows where you could get a new Nissan ready to go if you're fed up waiting for the Astra
Drive an Astra myself...How do you mean the auto indicators?

I should have said one touch not auto. You touch them once but they don't click up or down. Which makes it very hard to know if they are on or not, or how to cancel them if they don't auto cancel as sometimes happen.
Ahhh I thought thats what you meant...Yes they are quite irritating...Is the main thing I would change..
I also agree with the cup holder being behind the handbrake. Apart from that I have to say I LOVE mine!!!!
Ahhh I thought thats what you meant...Yes they are quite irritating...Is the main thing I would change..

It's amazing how different people are. I have this in my own car and I think it's one of the best features. I did have them re-programmed as mine were initially indicating once and I've changed them to three times. I get really annoyed when a car in front of me is indicating for 5 miles and no turn in sight (forgot to switch the indicators off).

I also agree with the cup holder being behind the handbrake.

That really does my head in and is quite dangerous.

How does the Opel feature prevent this? Its doesn't auto cancel any different to any other car.

That really does my head in and is quite dangerous.

Not unless you drink while you drive, which you shouldn't in fairness.
How does the Opel feature prevent this? Its doesn't auto cancel any different to any other car.

Not unless you drink while you drive, which you shouldn't in fairness.

In the newer Astra, you can apply the indicator more gently and it will indicate only three or four times (handy if you are overtaking but not great if you actually indended to indicate until your turn was complete) but with some additional pressure it will indicate until you release it or complete the turn if that makes sense..... If it doesn't make sense then my defense is that its Friday and I need a holiday!

And yes I agree about the drinking and driving...Doesn't bother me where the drink holder is..I tend not to drink beverages while I'm the driver....
How does the Opel feature prevent this? Its doesn't auto cancel any different to any other car.

It doesn't but I think that the feature is great for overtaking, changing lanes, etc. - all kinds of situations when your steering wheel does not turn enough to auto-cancel the indicators.

Not unless you drink while you drive, which you shouldn't in fairness.

I spend 2 - 3 hours a day stuck in traffic or inching along and I love my coffee.
If it doesn't make sense then my defense is that its Friday and I need a holiday!

Well said! Ha ha!