Bought 2nd hand car - motor tax expiry


Registered User
Hi All,

If a 2nd hand car was bought on 1-Feb-2010, should the motor tax (paid for on 5-Feb-2010) expire on 01-2011 or 02-2011?

I was sure it was 02-2011, but Motor Tax office insist it is 01-2011 but no valid reason given - just "This is what comes up on the system".

If 01-2011 is the rule then fair enough, but I would like to understand the logic. Also, would be curious what would happen if the purchase date was 28-Feb-2010.

I will be ringing Motor Tax office once more but would welcome any insight beforehand.

Thanks in advance.
The tax starts 01-02-2010 and expires 31-01-2011, new tax to start from 01-02-2011.
MTW.. if you bought car anytime during the month of feb then it would still expire at the end of Jan.. their motor tax system works on monthly basis. Would lose a month if bought on last day of the month as you pay for the full month even though the car may never have got on the road..always buy a car on the 1st of the month to avoid this issue.

This has to be a joke!!!