BOSI / Everyday / Glas - Repayment?

Jack Kyle

Registered User
Hi There

My sister in law had approximately €8k written off a BOSI credit card a few years ago.

A company called Everyday (based in Galway) took on the debt and she paid them circa €50 per month for the last while.

Last month she received correspondence to the effect that a company called Glas Special Solutions were taking over the debt and that she should now make her payments to them.

My query is what should she do? Should she just stop paying or seek a settlement? Her ICB record states that the BOSI write off will drop off her record in 2016. Will anything she does with these Glas people impact on her ICB record?

Many thanks in advance.
Can anyone help with this query?

She's pregnant and up the walls about the situation.

Any advice greatly appreciated.
I don't know the answer but if she rings the MABS helpline 0761 07 2000 in the morning they will surely have some advice on it.