BOS Unsecured Loan


Registered User
Hi All,

I was just wondering what would happen if i went into 3 months arrears on a unsecured personal loan with BOS? It is not the last 2 months that I have not paid , its 2 seperate months over the last year. I have paid the last 4 months in full but will struggle again this month.

They have been phoning regarding the arrears for the current 2 months outstanding.

Im just worried that they could start legal action or would they just hit my credit rating. Or would they send baliffs round?!

There are 2 years left of a 5 year loan - I expect to pay the arrears it back in parts over the next couple of years while also not missing a payment again. We are in a comfortable position now (ie we can live month to month paying the full loan but no more extra.
Have you asked them to reschedule your loan?

You are paying back interest and capital. They would usually be prepared to just add the two months on to the end.

Thanks Brendan - however, they are demanding payment for the outstandining amount within the next month.

I was really asking, what will they do if i dont pay the arrears soon? Can they call the loan in and demand full payment or cal, in baliffs?
Also not asked to reschedule the loan - i have heard they are not doing this as they want things paid off asap as they have pulled out of ireland.
Anybody else know what the worst consequences are by being 3 months in arrears on an unsecured loan?
Yes they can call in the full loan amount. Why don't you go and meet them. It's also not unheard of for a bank to take all the money from your current account to pay the loan so before they start getting nasty correspond with them.

Also recommend that you do the money makeover thread as you seem to be having money issues.