borrowing money - difficult




I've moved to Ireland, Dublin 2 months ago. I've got a job here and are earning 22.000 a year. Not much, but it's a start.

I've run into some problems with living expenses being quite high overhere, and the savings brought from home have run out. I'm still living at Hostels, because i was unable to find an appartment/sharing appartment.

My money have run out, so I'm unable to pay deposit or first month rents.
I've have not recieved my pps number as i no address to provide, and no bank account.

Since i have no pps number this also means i have paid about 1000 euros extra in tax and will recieve the cashback when i have sent in the proper papers.

I'm looking for some buisness that can provide me with a loan of 1000-2000 euro which will be paid back in 1 year or less. Banks are unable to loan me the money and i have no account so online loan companies cannot lend me the money.

Does anybody have any idea of what to do?
Welcome to AAM (and indeed to Ireland), sunee. Have you had a read through the Key Posts in this forum, which contain links to other helpful sources of information, particularly the MABS website)? Also the Welfare and State Benefits forum, to make sure you're claiming whatever assistance you may be entitled to — particularly rent relief, once you manage to get a place of your own.

To answer your immediate question — you will find unauthorised moneylenders prepared to loan you such a sum, but I would strongly recommend that you avoid going that route if at all possible. Is there any chance that your employer might be able to assist with an advance, to be deducted from your future earnings and/or when you receive your tax refund? (note that he/she should not charge you interest for doing this, or at least very little, and specified in a written agreement).

Good luck!
Can you get your employer to help you open a bank account, perhaps with a letter to the bank they use? If you can get a mobile phone contract, you then have proof of address. Can you stay with a friend and/orget permission to use their address for a few months? This should help you without the need for a loan.

Alternatively, how about getting a bar job for some extra money?
If things are that bad, cut your losses and get family to get you an airline ticket home. Otherwise you are going to dig a big hole for yourself. You sound like you are in over your head, if so, realise this...
Hi Suneee and the Evening Herald are good sources to look at for renting a flat. Sometimes you will find notices in your local shop (Spar often has a noticeboard). Once you find accommodation you will have an address to open a bank account etc.

Regarding getting the deposit together I wouldn't advise getting a 'loan' from a moneylender as it might become a vicious circle using your earnings to pay back a loan which reduces slowly as a result of high interest rates.

Could you possibly ask for money from home and pay it back in installments when you get paid? Or as above your employer might be able to help?

Best of luck.
Have you run the numbers to see how you will get by when you're on non emergency tax, paying rent and other bills, plus potentially your loan interest & repayments?
Hi Suneee

I know what your situation is like, I deal with a 50% Non Irish staff daily and it is hard to set yourself up. But well done your here and you get a job that is half the battle.

But you don't need a loan you have the money there, you just need to get your hands on it

The first step is to go to your boss and ask for a letter to open a bank account - they will address it to their own bank because they have a relationship with that bank already and the Bank will set up the account using the hostel address and when you move change the address. I write letters for people about once a week and there hasn't been a problem with our company bank doing this over the past 2 years. Then straight in the get your PPS number.

To get accommodation go to and looking up sharing and there is lots of place that you can pay rent week usually about 100+ euros a week and the deposit is lower or could be a week rent too (if your lucky). Also the advance of paying rent weekly is it easier to move out if the place is horrible you can move in for a few months and then went you have yourself set up move on the somewhere nicer. And I'm sure most of these places are nicer then living in a hostel.

The last thing you should do is be borrowing money at this stage esp from money lender as they charge really high rates and alot of the time they can be very dangerous if not legal.

The best of luck and you should be sorted within 2 weeks if you do the above and a loan would be hanging over you for at least a year. If I was you I would look at some of the saving money tips on other threads on this site so living in dublin can be cheap if your wise about your money

Best of Luck and let us know how you get on