borrowing an english reg car for two months


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My sister lives in the UK and is a resident there. She is going to the US for two months to work but wants to leave her car in Dublin at family house. Can someone in the family drive her car whilst she is in the US? Naturally they need to be insured but...

Are there any implications with customs trying to seize it etc becuase it is in ireland with an irish driver and the car is from the UK? It is only for two months

What documents do I need to have in case the car is stopped?


I would say 50 50.

You could get away with it for six months or you might get stopped everyday.

There are enough foregin cars on the road that are not being stopped, I would nearly chance it. Get the sis to put you on the insurance policy. Get a copy of it to show then just tell it as it is.
The danger is that should you be stopped, and if the customs / gardai aren't happy with the paperwork, they do have the authority to impound the car.

Here's a link to a similar question posted in
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You can't drive a UK car on a southern licence in the state no exceptions. Neither can she leave it in your posession while she is away. Take the bus it's a lot less hassel.