Boring modern music

...wearing a jumper.

What is wrong at wearing jumpers?

Better than throwing TVs out windows and wrecking hotel rooms for show.

Music is great here in Cork. Fred, Frank And Walters, Simple Kid, Stanley Super 800, John Splillane etc.

Even in Dublin - Fight Like Apes are bringing out they debut cd next week,

Ireland needs to produce more STARS


I would prefer good music myself.
I'm at a stage in life where I look for the meaning of the song (sure sign I'm getting old). I think what makes a song great is for the artist’s ability to connect with the emotion and intend of the piece. I think people like Luke Kelly could connect easily with the story of the song and get into the mind set to do this. So when he was singing he was feeling the emotions of what the piece was about.
I look at most of the modern stuff and find it very sanitized and having no connection with the emotion of the story. I can't understand how all these manufactured 4 & 5 girl and boy bands are doing so well because they are all crap.
How can you vigorously dance on stage and sing at the same time?