Boring modern music


Registered User
Now I know that music is a very subjective thing and what one person likes another may hate etc, but over the last few years I have been baffled by the success of certain artists and the praise heaped upon them.

I was just listening to Lisa Hannigan on TodayFM the other day. First of all, she was like a person with a problem. She seemed to be struggling to speak and the interview was painful to listen to. I appreciate people can be shy but if you can't make use of free publicity to plug your CD then get off the radio ! (they do call this Letting Off Steam, don't they?)

And then her music. Recently the DJs can't say enough great things about certain artists, and she is one of them. They tell these artists over and over again how great they are, have a fantastic sound etc etc. To me, its just boring, and inspires no emotion or passion in the listener. The songs are just there, and they all sound the same and are very formulaic.

You can also add other artists like Damian Rice, Gemma Hayes, Glen Hansard etc. Take Mr Hansard, I recently watched Once after all the hype and forgetting about the film itself, the music was dull dull dull. I can't understand how someone would put this CD on and sit back on the sofa to listen to it.

And to finish the rant, a pet hate over recent years are these type of singers taking classic songs and doing their slow boring version of it, and then being told how fantastic it is.

Now I know that I will loads of Hansard fans on here telling me he's a genius and asking what I listen to, but I just get so bored listening to these new artists who churn out these whispering, basic songs album after album to critical acclaim. I like music that has guitars, drums, a full band,a bit of tempo that you can sing along to, a bit of production that doesn't sound like you recorded it in your bog. A song that will translate to a live show.

I'm ready for the abuse - give it to me.
You sound like a certain tribune music jurno who labeled Hansard similarly, and yep she was slated too.

The frames and "modren music" are just great but can i ask what would you have us listen to? ABBA, ACDC, INXS ???
Clearly Im getting old, I dont even recognise the musicians or bands referred to in the first post
I may be wrong about this, but I think the artists mentioned have all garnered whatever bouquets they have received based on their live performances (I have seen none of them live, nor indeed do I have any of their albums, but I am pretty sure I have a couple of ABBA albums knocking about at home).

Some music, which might not be particularly radio-friendly, can sound a lot better live.

This may well be part of the shifting music landscape, where touring is becoming economically more important than album sales; I think I have seen a well written article from David McWilliams on this topic; maybe more than one.
What I find truly frustrating is when I hear the intro to a song I really like, only for it to be a truly horrendous cover. A prime example would be girls aloud doing I'll stand by you. What sane person with any degree of musical taste would pick that drivel over the original? Why play a second rate cover instead of playing the original?
Agree with MOB on this. Some of this music may sound tame on the radio but when ye hear it live it's a much better sound (to take some of the artists you mention - The Frames and Damien Rice would be two I'd put in that bucket). One thing I would say tho is that the artists themselves come across as really boring these days moreso than the music - there seems to be a real lack of characters around these days.
Personally I can't stand the desire by many young music artists to come across as "one of the lads" - the type of bloke or girl you'd meet down the pub having a quiet pint and wearing a jumper. I can do that myself. Ireland needs to produce more STARS. I don't want my rock or pop stars to be rather uninteresting ordinary people who want to be liked - I want Keith Moon driving his car into a swimming pool, I want Jim Morrison getting arrested for public indecency, I want Diana Ross throwing a hissy fit because a customs official dared to frisk her at an airport - where have the barking mad rock and pop stars gone?
Modern music? Personally I've always admired Philip Glass (a bit reptitive but never boring).
Well said - exactly my thoughts.

And to finish the rant, a pet hate over recent years are these type of singers taking classic songs and doing their slow boring version of it, and then being told how fantastic it is.

I agree broadly, but one exception to this was a guy (dunno the name) who did an acoustic guitar version of wuthering heights. Now it didnt beat the original but it certainly breathed life into it in another way so it was worthwhile, its not a question of whether a cover is better (v. rare) or not but whether the cover does something different or good with the song.

Turn it up to 11 I say !!
And to finish the rant, a pet hate over recent years are these type of singers taking classic songs and doing their slow boring version of it, and then being told how fantastic it is.

Agreed. Poor Jeff Buckley has a lot to answer for.

Why would you want that

The more normal a lifestyle they live the longer they should survive and therefore you would be able to enjoy their music for a longer time?
Why would you want that

The more normal a lifestyle they live the longer they should survive and therefore you would be able to enjoy their music for a longer time?

well I dont condone the dead celebrity thing, but it does exist. Apart from that extreme example, we want to think they are somehow special and 'apart' from us. If they're as normal & boring as the rest of us then where's the craic in that?, a 'star' should be a bit interesting at least.

Dunno is ye saw Jay Z interviewed by Jonathon wRoss, but he was so intense and serious and boring - bleedin 'eck man you're a gangsta rapper, not a flippin _______ (take your pick of boring jobs, I'll go with accountant before anyone/everyone else does).

Don't fall for the glamour. I'm reading a bio of Iggy Pop at the moment. He had moments of musical genius, but these were generally lost in a fog of heroin, qualludes, cocaine and alcohol.

Interesting - kind-of, but it's not a pretty sight.
Don't fall for the glamour. I'm reading a bio of Iggy Pop at the moment. He had moments of musical genius, but these were generally lost in a fog of heroin, qualludes, cocaine and alcohol.

Interesting - kind-of, but it's not a pretty sight.

But you're reading his bio...