Bord Gais


Registered User
Bord Gais looking for another 30-40% rise as a result of oil prices rising, I think they should do like all other big companies do when spending is getting out of control they look to make cuts within the company ie make people redundant stop spending on crazy overtime, restructure, outsource, what ever it takes I think it is to easy for them just to look for an increase, Look at the IT world companies PCs and software is cheaper now than they where 5 yrs ago , 2 of the biggest companies in this sector have cut costs within their own companies to compete, there are people in Bord Gais who are on big bucks these people should be off loaded giving a package and sent on their way, you could bring in 2 younger workers for same price and hungry to impress,

How dare you ask them to live in the real world! Do you not know that the semi-state sector is special? If you ask them to behave like the open parts of the private sector you will have the usual suspects spouting BS about the so-called race to the bottom.
Private consumers and companies will just have to absorb the cost, that’s the way it is and the way it has always been.
I look forward to a commensurate drop in prices when the price of gas decreases eventually...
Sherman said:
I look forward to a commensurate drop in prices when the price of gas decreases eventually...

Me too. ESB, Aer-lingus, Taxi fares - all coming down.
I don't mind paying for usage of gas. So from round about now, I won't be using my gas at all given the lovely balmy summers we have in north Dublin.

Here's something I've been thinking about for a while. My gas bill is about 50% comprising the standing charge for the provision of the gas service, rather than just the amount of gas that I use.

So, if I was to disconnect my gas service now, and reconnect in November, I think I'd save myself about €250 or more on the standing service charge alone. I can't find anything on their website about reconnection charges, and their customer services leaves me with "greensleeves" long enough to make me go insane.

Does anyone know if there's a reconnection charge if I were to request connection again in November?
Some economists (not Mr Hobbs) would advocate a rise in fuel prices - arguement being that it make people more aware of the finite resources on this planet and thus force the issue of alternatives.

I reckon they'll have a reconnection charge. I know the ESB do. Suppose you can weigh the reconnection charge against the savings you'll make and then make your decision.
The standard supply charge is 42 euro bimonthly so between here and Nov you'd only save around 125 euro.
They do have variations of supply charge cost versus Kwh unit cost, one of which could be more appropriate depending on your usage, might be worth getting your old bills and a calculator out. See [broken link removed] for details.

You don't really get away lightly with low usage, they still get the money off you via the service charge. I'd be very tempted to installed solar panels to heat hot water and disconnect the gas during the summer.
Isn't this a fairly open market? If you don't like their pricing policy, you are free to switch over to oil or other products which are available from multiple suppliers?
Not if there is only one Gas company its not
RainyDay said:
Isn't this a fairly open market? If you don't like their pricing policy, you are free to switch over to oil or other products which are available from multiple suppliers?
Sorry,dodo,when I read the conditions of Board Gais-years ago when I had to decide how to heat my home- I used my little calculator and decided to go for LPG. Just the standing charges of board Gais would cover half of my heating demand when buying LPG on the free market.....
I think you should do so as well, use the calculator and figure out what the costs would be let's say the next ten years......
From todays prices seen it would be the wisest decision to switch over, go for solar power to heat the domestic warm water and go for an alternative (one without standing charges !) for home heating and cooking.
See it from this point: when the whiskey becomes to expensive an adict can switch to wodka. But she/he can become a prohibitionist as well. There are methods to turn an existing building to a zero energy house, a house that simply uses no "bought" energy. You don't have to ruin your health and your society's financial prosperity just to feed the dealers......