Bord Gais increases AGAIN


Registered User
Just listening to Pat Kenny show. My blood is boiling, another increase of between 10 and 20 per cent on the way.

His speaker sounds as if he has been on the beer last night and is finding it extremely difficult to justify these increases.

Seems like we are paying again for those who default.

Well I for one will be wearing more layers this winter and getting rid of the two gas fires in our house.

We may also change provider and seriously consider moving somer where warmer and far less expensive when the hubby retires.

I also really feel that if people are representing these companies they should be at least able to string a sentence together.
To me it's always al so simple.....oil prices go up, so then gas prices follow (cos they can!)
This dismissive speaker from Bord Gais, on Pat Kenny's radio programme on Friday last, had the most boring mono-tone I have ever heard.
The mono-tone could only be surpassed when he was repetadely asked to compare rates with Northern Ireland. He then cretated a new level of Mono-tone
What an arragant man, what syndrome does he suffer from - small man or what?
We may also change provider and seriously consider moving somer where warmer and far less expensive when the hubby retires.

We were pretty cold in Albufeira this March and had to have the heating on. In the summer you would have a double whammy of cost with the air conditioning on. So I am not sure if that is the answer. At least we can survive our summers without either.
Our winter gas bills are horrendous as we use gas for both heating and cooking. Today I will be putting the oven on to cook a nice roast. I have never thought about or calculated the cost of switching on the oven, waiting for it to heat up and then cooking a roast for an hour. Anyone ever calculate this? Sometimes sticking on the microwave seems a much cheaper option.
Certainly Bord Gais, the VHI, are the biggest drain on my resources. I too am considering taking out my gas fires and going back to foraging for pieces of wood. It will get me out, give me a bit of exercise and be cheaper if not a bit messier.
Remember, if you gas fires are 'basket' type fires the correct term is DFE (Decorative Fuel Effect) some have an 80% heat loss up the flue!!
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Can be tough to pay the bills at times
But if you're scraping and saving to pay how do you feel reading this?

The company also said the number of customers in arrears had grown dramatically over the past year. It said it had been forced to write off more than €26 million in bad debts last year.

Mr Mullins also highlighted the issue of “debt hopping”, which sees consumers move from provider to provider leaving unpaid bills behind. The company wrote off €26.4 million in bad debts last year as a result of customer arrears.

Now Bord Gais seem willing to work with people and give time before disconnecting anyone.
But it seems there are some taking advantage too which would be sickening if you're doing your best to pay bills and others have their written off or they skip to another provider