Bord Gais energy discounts

There is a guy over on Boards who says he rang BGE saying I'm off to Airtricity as my high discount is now up and was told that since the account was in joint names Mr Murphy and Mrs A Murphy that if changed it into Mrs A Murphy that they would treat it as a new account and they would get the high discount again. Sorry I cant post a link you must have so many posts apparently before you can do such things. Its under the Biz thread and then Consumers issues
But they are still cheaper than ESB, and thats what their advertising blurbs was based on.

It was 10% off ESB costs for the 1st year, and wasn't it 5% for the next year at least ?
Someone got very upset with that suggestion.

What I shall do is move to Airtricity now and then move back to Bord Gais putting the account into the partners name.