Boot lid hydraulics


Registered User
The boot lid hydraulics on my car have ceased to operate meaning that the boot is hard to open but slams shut.

Before I let myself in for a shock at the local dealer, can anyone advise whther this is an expensive problem to correct.

The car is an Audi A4 by the way.

If you register here you can get more info. It is a known problem on certain VAG models (Bora, Passat, Fabia and Mk IV Golf for sure) and the boot lifter probably needs replacing, but I'm not au fait with costs, unfortunately.

I'm a registered user on the above site, but I have no commercial connection with the site or its owners or sponsors
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V.simple I'd have thought and you probably don't need your dealer.

The hydraulics are in fact just a pair of gas-struts which extend in a controlled fashion when the bootlid is opened. Without the assistance provided by these struts, you can see just how heavy the bootlid is - I'd have thought it's also a bit dangerous for fingers, clothing and fragile things in the way of the bootlid to have it crash down when you close it.

Struts are pretty much the same from car to car - varying only in size and the pressure inside. I think they might all have similar fixings (don't know Audi well), it would be possible to call to a breakers-yard and ask if they have any accident victim Audis to scavenge the struts from them?

If you can't fit them yourself, then a local mechanic could do it?
Thanks for the replies.

Wouldn't dream of attempting it myself (I have nasty visions of being left with a car with no boot lid) but would appreciate some idea of what it's likely to cost to be repaired professionally.
Simple job. open boot, remove gas damper, fit new one, close boot.

Half an hours work at most.