Boosting wireless broadband signal


Registered User
Is it possible to get an antenna to boost wireless transmission or improve the reception?

We recently installed a new wireless modem, in our rambling old house, and reception in an office at the end of the building (and through a brick wall or two) isn't as strong as it used to be, and the laptop keeps dropping the signal.

There is an added complication: the office is on a separate wiring circuit (the house used to be in several flats), so the Powerline plug-in adapters suggested to a previous poster probably wouldn't work for us.

Any chance you can move the phone line to the office and install the router there instead ?

I know digiweb can put a little outside aerial up if necessary, maybe contact your ISP and see what they come up with.
Thanks Pudds, Picassoman and Sustanon -- all useful suggestions, which we'll follow up, esp the wireless expander.

From what I hear, there seems to be some success from fitting a steel colander around the USB stick - acts like a 'dish'. Thinking of trying it myself.

Also, if you don't have an extension to bring the device close to the window, get one - big difference. Our stick is now dangling over the curtain rail against the window frame and speed has improved greatly.