Bookkeeper for small short job


Registered User
Hi, sole trader got too busy and paperwork got neglected.... now needs bookkeeper to come and sort out the mess. Should only take a day or so ie 8 hours work. Any ideas where I would get somebody to do this? Are there agencies? What do I need to know to ask the bookkeeper re qualifications or whatever?
Lost in shoebox full of papers, all advice appreciated!
You could either
1) Go to recuitment agent & look for someone to come in one day a week to do the job for you (could prob get stay at home mum who wants part time work)
2) A lot of accountancy firms do accounts prep work - so say once a month you would send them in all your details and they prepare accounts for you.....

As for qualifications - not really necessary as long as someone has experience but I suppose AITI (accounting technician) is what you are looking for

good luck
Think that some of the VEC's run courses in accounts for a small business. Anyone who has successfully completed this course should be qualified enough to do this work.

If its a once off 8 hours work I suggest you ask your accountant. Most accountancy practices will provide a book-keeping service but even if they don't as a rule will probably do it for you as a once off or recommed a book-keeper used by another client.

If its 8 hours a month on a contineous basis take a look in the Evening Herald/ Northside/Southside people (or similar local paper if outside Dublin) as there are ususally ads offering this service.
Don't know if geography is an issue, but I have heard positive things about this lady.
Thanks everyone, it's more like 8 hours a year! And maybe an hour or so a month! I'll ask the Man in the Suit.
There really is very little point in getting bookkeeper for one hour a month. You are going to have to spend time showing him the system and answering his questions. I would recommend that you get your accountant to show you how to do it and set time aside to do it. You will also feel much more in control of the business when you understand what is happening to the finances.
