Booking backup flight in case of Aer Lingus strike


Registered User
On 25th October I am flying with Aer Lingus to Heathrow and then boarding a British Airways flight to New York. I booked the flights under the one booking with Club Travel.

I am keeping a close eye on the escalating pilot dispute with Aer Lingus. Industrial action withing the next 2 weeks looks very likely. And even if there is no strike, if they continue to suspend the pilots, flights will be cancelled as they will have nobody to fly them.

So I checked the net this morning and found a BMI flight to Heathrow for € 130 in total (thats for myself, partner and baby daughter). This is a non-refundable flight.

So if the Aer Lingus flight runs as normal on 25th Oct, I will have wasted €130 on paying for the BMI backup flight.

If the Aer lingus flight is cancelled or even just delayed due to lack of pilots and I use the BMI flight to get to Heathrow, is my BA booking still valid...........i.e if I dont turn up for the delayed Aer lingus flight is my whole booking cancelled since they are on the same booking from Club Travel?

Or should I have faith in Club Travel, that if there is industrial action or disruptions that they will ensure that I get to Heathrow to catch the flight to New York?

We are going on a cruise ship the following morning from New york, so obviously we cannot afford to be delayed.

I appreciate your views
Re: Booking Back Up Flight in Case of Aer Lingus Flight

I think your best bet is to contact Club Travel and see what they have to say about the whole situation.

Without knowing the T&Cs of your booking its hard to comment.
Simply phone BA the day before you travel, they will be aware of what's happening. Tell them you will travel on their flight. It won't be a problem.

Ignore Club travel, go directly to the airline with your booking reference. Enjoy NY
It's very annoying.

I'm travelling to Chicago next Wednesday and booked with Aer Lingus months ago for about €350. All this week I have been monitoring the situation like yourself hoping for a resolution to this dispute.

However, today I booked backup flights with American Airlines for €380 as the situation seems to be escalating and I'm guessing a lot of people will be rebooking with other airlines over the weekend.

Now, selfishly, I am hoping that that Aer Lingus is shut down next week.