Book now or wait


Registered User
Hi everyone,
There's a group of us (4 couples) planning on going on holidays the first week of July, have the time booked off work! I'm happy enough to wait last minute in the hope of getting it cheaper. 1 of the girls checked prices with the local travel agents who quoted €500pp for Puerto Rico, Gran Canaria...this seems a bit expensive to me but the women reckoned it wouldnt come down anymore! Would that be right? Are we wasting our time holding out on bookin it? Anyone get a good deal for that week last year? Don't care in the slighest where we go personally!
July is going to be mid to high season so I wouldn't expect it to be super cheap. Eight people is a medium size group, you might find with a last minute option the don't have space for 8. Plus trying co-ordinate something at the last minute between 8 is going to be complicated...
Surely it would be cheaper than €500 for Puerto Rico? Don't think people really mind where we go as long as we get on a plane so don't think co-ordination will be too difficult! How soon should we book to get a decent price with availability for 8????
1 of the girls checked prices with the local travel agents who quoted €500pp for Puerto Rico...this seems a bit expensive to me

Did you check the price of just a return flight to Puerto Rico?
€500pp for a week in Puerto Rico seems very very cheap to me...
Maybe your right, its just I went there before for under €300 (not high season tho) so its seems a crazy price to me! When the girl organised a group holiday before for the last week in June for €300 aswell...perhaps I'm just being stingy just don't want to be on a flight where everyones paid less than me!!
your problem is with the size of the group going
I would chance it up to 4 people but flights for 8 you'd be better booking something now id say
Have a look at [broken link removed] for ideas on availability tho and other choices

I would also say thats quite cheap and would book it now bearing in mind the time of year you are going and the number travelling. From my limited experience there are not too many bargains around during school holiday periods. Maybe if it was just 2 travelling then you could wait and see a week or two prior to flying but with 8 thats another story...
In choosing the beginning of July you are probably taking the worst time of the year. The primary schoolchildren finish at the end of June and parents want to head off asap before the weather gets too warm. May or September much better time for cheapies.

Availability for eight would also be a problem at that time of the year. Did you have a look at
The holiday is costing you E4.000 and there are probably extras insurance etc.

If your not particular where you go as long as it's sunny, as an example Ryanair are now quoting 1,271.76 EUR departing Dublin to Tenereife North going out on Fri, 17 Aug 07 and returning Fri, 24 Aug 07 for 8 people.

Go on to one of the rental sites and see if you can book a large villa or two apartments and it should work out cheaper, even allowing for car hire. Or get something relatively near the airport and get a taxi to your accomodation

Thanks everyone, had a look on budget travel and should be able to get something decent for €440!
Just to update everyone, we have booked our holiday...Going to Puerto Rico, Gran Canaria, got it for €375 including insurance and all the taxes!! Not bad for waiting a week!