Book Club

Try "The God Delusion" - guaranteed to cause an evening of rows and never-ending heated arguments !!!

Very true. Even the atheists are arguing amongst themselves over this.

-David Sloan Wilson quoted in Skeptic Magazine
How about “The Water Babies” by Charles Kingsley: (a) everybody has heard of it; (b) nobody has read it; and (c) the bit on St. Brendan’s mission to Kerry is bound to give rise to a lot of discussion.
Other half just read 'A Thousand Splendid Suns' (can't remember the author off the top of my head but also wrote 'The Kite Runner') and she said it was one of the best books she has ever read.

Looking forward to reading it myself now.
Probably late for this month's book, but 'The Fire In The Equations' by Kitty Ferguson is brilliant. In it she encapsulates science, religion and the search for god. Better than Dawkins' I thought. It may have been that in my earlier days I was more pliable. The book was written about fifteen years ago and did not get the same amount of publicity.
The Great Ape Project - its about a movement to accord certain civil liberties to great apes on the basis that they are so humanlike. Fantastically interesting reading.
Might be a tough read but

Notes Towards the Complete Works of Shakespeare

Might be the first published work by monkeys ?

How about “The Water Babies” by Charles Kingsley: (a) everybody has heard of it; (b) nobody has read it

I read 'The Water Babies' when I was 9 years old and didnt' like it much at the time. (Heres a book I like)

And another link to it here

Its' called 'Genius : Richard Feynman and Modern Physics.'
Richard Feynman won the Nobel prize for Physics but he lived anything but the life of a typical retiring nerd. He was an interesting character who helped build the atom bomb and led the investigation into the space shuttle Challenger disaster.
I find biographys of certain famous/quirky and or successful people to be quite interesting.
Are people here less interested in the novel generally?

Not a criticism, but there seem to be quite a few factual recommendations - my understanding of a book club was that it tended to be a novels based concept?
Kim Whitfield - Bareback
Jonathon Raban - Surveillance
Tobias Wolff - Old School
Maybe something by Richard Ford (The Sportswriter?). Can't go wrong with a great American novel
In The Heart Of The Sea - Nathaniel Philbrick. The true story that inspired Moby Dick.

Shantaram - Gregory David Roberts.