Bolton Woods, Callan, Kilkenny ?


Registered User
We have been looking at this Development for a proposed purchase as we are currently having no luck with getting planning on a site we bought Subject to Planning.

Just wondering if anyone has purchased a house off of the plans for this Development. Any other thoughts on this Development as a place for setting up home, we are currently living in a large town in a residential area that is saturated with Rental Properties (parking problems etc.) and would like somewhere to setup a family home. Are there enough facilities in place within Callan to cope with the housing estates as I understand there have been quiet a few new estates built there in the last few years.

Any advice would be very welcome.
I live in locally. Callan has great schools. There is a good golf club on the edge of the town and the soccar pitch is in front of bolton woods, the local gaa club which is beside the bolton woods estate is up for sale as they are moving outside the town and the talk about town at the min (and on the local paper) is that the County Council are trying to buy the park for houses which would be right beside you so make sure to keep that in mind when chosing your home.

The fair green is an area where the youngsters hang out and there are problems there at the min, but the residents and the council are meeting with a view to putting in a walking track and lighting and basically cleaning up the area.

There is a another new estate starting in a few weeks and the local auctioneer (Grace Real Estate) will be selling them I think, I have seen the layout plan and there looks to be alot of green area incorporated into it which is good. Friary Walk, the estate on the other end of town have planning in the paper this week for another 185 houses and they already have planning for 260 houses.

Tesco are also supposed to be coming to town (that will be known for sure on 28/4). Shopping wise everybody travels. No nice restaraunts. Two good chippers and a lovely new coffey shop (only opens tue to fri 9 to 4 though), a nice sandwich bar. A few nice pubs which do food. Two good hairdressers and a barber shop. We have a fab new health food shop and florist shop.

We are lucky that we live in such close proximity to Kilkenny and with the new development at mcdonagh station it will make it even better for shopping.

A leisure centre is badly needed along with a better bus service. Years ago callan had its own bus service but now it depends on bus eireann.

All and all not a bad town to live in.
Thanks a mil for that, I had enquired about what was in the surrounding areas and was told about the pitch, that didn't bother me too much at all but def wasn't told about any proposed development on its grounds, I will look into before making any hasty decision. I will also contract the other Auctioneer you make reference to and see what's on offer there. Thanks again for the feedback it is exactly what I was looking for.
Hi Cashstrapped, I have also been a regular visitor to a previous development by the same developer in kilkenny (my sister has grinds in a house there every fri night) and I have to say that I am impressed with the layout and parking etc There seems to be a parking area for visitors in each area and each house seem to be able to fit two cars in the driveway. It also seems to be nicely planted and maintained.

The other development due to start is also in the townland of bolton, the developers are south eastern construction and the have other developments in progress in Knocktopher, Thomastown, Kilmacow and Ballyhale - no connection by the way only the new estate is going to be near my house hense the interest and knowlegde.

If I was going to purchase a new home I would go and look at all the previous developments of the builder to see what finish the estate is left in and visit any showhouses it there are on view- its easy to print a nice glossy brochure. I work in the building industry and it is unreal what is not included in the house as standard.

Happy Hunting!