Boiler Servicing Necessary?



I live in a rented house with an old Franco Belge boiler. We had it serviced and repaired when we moved in and after 3 months of use over the winter it ran out of oil (400l). We weren't really keeping an eye on it and knew at the time we should have had it serviced before using it again. After getting another 400l we turned it on an it appeared to be working fine so we continued using it without a service.

Now 4 weeks on we're out of oil again and I'm wondering is it possible that the fuel consumption was so high because we didn't service it after letting it run out? Can anyone who knows more about boilers explain?
Are you saying that you got 400 litres around Christmas and another 400 at the beginning of February?

Just guessing but the house is in or around 1500 sq ft or more, no thermostatic rad valves and used regularly during the day. Based on building standards up to two years ago this wouldn't be unusual. It’s costing you 60 euro a week to heat the house.
I think the point the OP is making is that they used the same amount of oil in 4 weeks as they did in the previous 13 weeks, is that right?

Regardless of the type of house etc etc that would indeed be strange unless your usage patterns changed hugely.

Which I assume they didn't, otherwise you would hardly be posting about it.
used the same amount of oil in 4 weeks as they did in the previous 13 weeks

Yes and over mid winter we would probably have had it on a lot more than we did lately.
Question being is it possible that the increase is because we didn't service it after letting it run dry.

used the same amount of oil in 4 weeks as they did in the previous 13 weeks

Yes and over mid winter we would probably have had it on a lot more than we did lately.
Question being is it possible that the increase is because we didn't service it after letting it run dry.


The huge increase in oil consumption is unlikely to be caused by lack of servicing, if that were the case then the consumption would gradually increase. I would suggest either someone is stealing your oil or you have a leak somewhere. Theft is most likely. Put chains and locks on all valves and openings just in case, in fact everyone should do this as a matter of course.
Agree with Froggie, oil theft is very common. the very worst thing you can have on your oil tank is one of those long clear pipes that show you the level of oil in tank. the top pops off them and they can be easily bent to serve as a ready made filler hose. they can then be put back without sign of being interrupted. Def lock up your oil tank!