BOI workers on strike

Oh c'mon. You can hardly blame ordinary bank officials for the disgraceful behaviour of top management.

Why not? I didnt hear any of them complaining when their management were behaving this way & they were a lot closer than any of the rest of us. How many complained to the financial regulator? How many questioned their superiors? How many refused to process NINJA loans? How many got pay rises and bonuses over the years as a result of the actions of their superiors?
Err, how about Eugene McErlean

He was sacked and hasn't worked a day since. And he was the auditor, it was his job to put his hand up and question activities. Given that example do you think anyone else was going to step out of line?
Err, how about Eugene McErlean

He was sacked and hasn't worked a day since. And he was the auditor, it was his job to put his hand up and question activities. Given that example do you think anyone else was going to step out of line?

Yup. However, in all my dealings with my bank, it was never the CEO or directors who were phoning me asking if I was interested in a loan. Or when speaking about something else, asking if I wanted a loan too, or when going for a mortgage were actively trying to get me to take out a much bigger mortgage. It wasn't the CEO or Senior executives who phoned me at work and said that they noticed I had a nice savings account and whether I'd like to switch it to a super-duper-guaranteed-winner-honest-gov-you-can't-lose investment.

It was worse than the McDonald's "do you want fries with that". You go in to lodge a cheque and you're asked if you want a loan with that.
And you are basing your comments regarding the non action of staff on what evidential basis ?
AIB for example dismissed the concerns expressed by their internal auditors regarding DIRT - do you really think that behomeths like the Banks pay any attention to staff concerns ?
Whistle blowers really don't seem to have a huge life span in our Financial sector do they ?