BOI Repayment Holiday


Registered User
Hi Folks,
I'm seriously thinking about heading off travelling and I need to find out about taking a mortgage repayment holiday for 6 months, maybe 9 months. I have 2 mortgages and an equity release with BOI. One mortgage is fully covered by the rental return. I pay the other mortgage & equity release myself. I'm looking into the feasibility of going travelling for 6 to 9 months and I have heard that a repayment holiday is possible. I see from the BOI website that a 3 month repayment holiday is available. Has anyone managed to get a longer repayment holiday?
Any advice or information greatly appreciated.
No thats the maximum they allow. I asked for 4 months break back in April with them when I was on unpaid maternity leave but they were only open to allowing us to have 3 months.
PTSB allow up to six months payment holiday. You could switch to them and take the payment holiday straight away ... its an option if the 3 months offered by BOI doesn't suit your needs!