BOI made several mistakes on my mortgage and then sent my details to another customer


Registered User
I have a mortgage with BOI and I rang them up to find out how to overpay.
They said to send a letter detailling how much I wanted to overpay by and some other details.

I did this and nothing happened for weeks.

I rang a few times before i was told to send the letter again as i wasn't specific enough.
I told them they told me what to right.
Anyway I write the letter again and this time they mess up my account.
They split it into two accounts and instead of putting 20K into the account I can overpay on, they add 20k on to my mortgage.

More calls for weeks trying to get this corrected.

In the course of these calls they keep asking about "another address".
Turns out they have be sending letter for months to another address that has nothing to do with me.

I received an offer of compensation.
Is it standard practice to accept it? Negotiate?

It's possible that the Bank may have a preset amount that it offers clients when it has made a blunder like this. But I'd imagine that in your situation you'd have the upper hand in discussing an appropriate amount of compensation with them.

Have you considered Googling "data protection solicitor" - I just did, and a lot of names popped up! You could consider calling one of them and discussing your options.