BOI debt - advice please


Registered User
I need advice on how to deal with my BOI debt as I am frustrated with how it has been handled.

I was put on a 3 day week since 2009 and am only now up to 4 days pw.

I had my current a/c with overdraft, term loan and credit card with BOI and contacted them immediately. I went to meet with someone in branch to do an income\expenditure assessment.

My net income droppped from 3k to 1900 and could not afford my existing payments of 260 on loan and 240 on credit card.
The meeting ended by being told branch could do nothing and it would be passed to collections department where more options would be available.
A week later someone from collections contacted me to discuss payment options which pretty much was a 7 year consolidation loan @ 425 per month.
As I could not afford this I suggested 200pm until circumstances changed. They setup a standing order (locked for editing via online) for this.
They also downgraded my account resulting in unpaid transactions, increased interest rate on o/d and term loan.

Since then a monthly payment has been maintained without break for almost 4 years now, increasing for 8 months to €375pm before being adjusted to €150 then €75 following interest only period on my mortgage.

They gave notice they were closing my current account while my salary was still being paid into it in Jan 2012.
All accounts have been passed to solicitor for judgment incurring €1,325 in fees over the last year.

My payments over this time have been €8k whereas fees and interest have been €6k leaving only € 2k reducing the debt. I have begged for interest to be reduced or frozen, which it finally was on credit card but nothing on others.

I have spoken with their solicitor and passed over the correspondence I have sent to BOI over the last 4 years but the response was it doesn't matter what I think is fair or not they have a judgment and thats that.

Not that I probably have much choice but should I just accept that's the way things are and continue paying ?

Thanks for your time, I know this is probably long winded
1. Have they have actually got a judgment @ this stage?
2. Are you up to date on Mortgage?

You do have choices ,as have Boi.
It appears they have quickly opted for the hard view.
I suggest you need to talk with a good Debt advice company.
I have sent people to Karen/Ryan of Frost Debt Management 0749364000.
Will not cost you to talk with them.
Mortgage was in arrears by 3 months, in MARP process interest plus reduced capital plus some against arrears, arrears may be fully repaid, I'm not sure yet.
They have a court judgement order for loan and overdraft and are looking to register a judgement mortgage.
I attended court last October for means hearing but solicitor had applied for an adjurement but judge struck it out

I'm just agitated by the whole thing, I feel like I did all the right things and got penalised for doing so.

When speaking with their solicitor I said I dont think I can deal with this on my own anymore and was thinking of contacting a debt management company they said that's just a money racket, which is ironic considering the fees they have added to the account have cancelled out my last 12 months payments.
Their Solicitor WOULD say debt company is a money racket !!!!

Phone Frost Debt , a call costs nothing.

And good luck.