BoI Business a/c that doesn't accept cheques


Registered User
Has anybody ever heard of a BoI Business a/c that doesn't accept cheques? Tried to pay a business the other day with a cheque for an overpayment they made to me and they said their bank doesn't accept cheques and could I do an eft instead. They originally paid me by cheque!
Never heard of that. I doubt it's true and they probably just want it put directly into their account because it's easier.

All machines in banks allow cheque lodgements these days, so I can't see how they can't lodge a cheque.

Steven (
Would be great though if banks would stop accepting cheques, and issuing cheque books.

Why? It's an incredible easy means of payment for those who are not IT literate (many elderly people for example, my elderly mother in her 80's is never going to do her banking online,) or live in an area with poor/none broadband. It's also an easy source of tax revenue for the Govt, it raised over €30m in 2014 in stamp duty alone which would need to be replaced by something else
Why? It's an incredible easy means of payment for those who are not IT literate (many elderly people for example, my elderly mother in her 80's is never going to do her banking online,) or live in an area with poor/none broadband. It's also an easy source of tax revenue for the Govt, it raised over €30m in 2014 in stamp duty alone which would need to be replaced by something else

Because cheques are really expensive to handle.
I grew up on the continent, where cheques have been phased out during the 90ies. There's elderly people living on the continent as well, who seem to be able to manage without cheques just fine, even without online banking and internet.
Mind you, my parents (who are in their 70ies) get their pension payments paid into their bank account, albeit they pretty much never use an ATM and always go to the bank to get cash.
Thanks all. I suspected I was being spun a yarn but wanted to throw it out there in case I was being unfair! It's gas though because the same business issued a cheque to me 4 months ago and they probably would again tomorrow!