I also have a BOI demand savings account which i have always had my salary paid into and I can do transfers with this account on 365 - pay bills, transfer money out to other bank's etc., lodge cheques all for FREE. I bet the staff in the bank didn't point this out to you.
Standing orders and direct debits must be from a current account.
I must admit I've finally given up on Ulster Bank for now but EBS is worth checking out.
BOI now charge you for all 365online transactions as well. I was on the phone to them this afternoon and couldn't believe it when they told me that that i am charged for moving money from one of my accounts to another online.
TRS30 - 365 online transactions are FREE using a BOI demand account. You are correct regarding a BOI current account unless you keep a minimum balance of €3,000 throughout the full fee quarter.
TRS30 - 365 online transactions are FREE using a BOI demand account. You are correct regarding a BOI current account unless you keep a minimum balance of €3,000 throughout the full fee quarter.