Bogus Solicitor

You have not stated what the damage of 2K is? Nothing wrong with going to court, but it's best avoided in most cases and sometimes it's just not worth suing some people especially if you are the one who will be left paying the bills. The lady you mention, is she in employment, you mentioned rented property, does she have any assets? I never said the couple were whacky but do you not think they are a little bit strange? They do not appear to be acting normally. Some people get a kick our of things like this, this couple probably spend their lives waiting for people like you. You must stand back from it and act cooly and calmly. There are different ways of skinning a cat. What has your solicitor said to you on the chances of winning your case. More imporantly does he think you have a chance of getting paid back the damage. Do you know his fees?

Just because you are in the right and have been wronged does not mean one should go to court.

Totally agree!
Sue Ellen the OP has not stated what the damage is, they have stated what has been damaged not what the damage is. 2K is a lot of damage.
Thanks Bronte, MandaC and Sue Ellen, the reason I have not gone into too many details is because I was advised at the start of the post to edit the details so as not to prejudice the case in any way. When my husband spoke to the lady in question and asked her what she wanted to do about "damage" she told him to get a solicitor. We have no doubt they are completely odd considering their actions since this started, they have been very deceitful and underhand about the whole thing which explains why I am so upset about this. Also, because of advice earlier in the thread with regard to contacting the landlord, I definitely think that is worth pursuing. This case has been going on for a long time now but I do appreciate the new advice I have been given. Thanks again Moby.
Hi all, well court case due for tmrw and they contacted our solrs and settled. Definitely a moral victory for us. Thanks for all your help and suggestions throughout the thread. Moby.
Well that's great for you Moby, can you give us an idea of the settlement? Just curious.
That's great. I hope they leave you alone now. Those kind of people will probably annoy someone else instead though.
Thanks Bronte, Mathepac and MandaC. Am so relieved it is all over. They obviously copped on we weren't pushovers and decided the last thing they should do was go up in front of a judge. Justice at last. But seriously I still can't get over the nerve of this guy. He even rang our solr to settle, in the capacity as her solicitor. Weird or what? Moby
Hurrah!! And no more talk about skinning cats... horrendous pastime. Delighted you saw it through and got a result, well done for perserverence.
Thanks Plek Trum. Definitely had the bit between my teeth on this one alright. Sorry, but I think this cat has been thoroughly skinned! Cheers, Moby.