Bogus disabled car parking disc.


Registered User
I live on a street where residents have to have a disc to park their cars. A resident of the flats down the road does not have one, but has what I think is a disabled parking permit instead - I am almost certain this is a counterfeit. The guy has no obvious disabilities. It's only a small issue, but I'm sure genuine disabled drivers would be up in arms about this kind of thing.

How do i check this out?
Tread carefully. The fact that his disabilities are not obvious to you does not mean they are not real. I'm not sure if there is any overall authority which manages these discs that you could check with.
The fact that his disabilities are not obvious to you does not mean they are not real

i agree with the above. THere ws a discussion many moons ago on AAM about users of these permits that had mobility problems which were not too obvious to others but they still needed the permit. Unless you were absolutely certain you should be careful. THe permit might be for this person's partner/parent/daughter/son so don't jump to conclusions.
It may be a partners/parent/son's disabled sticker but the disabled person has to be with you if you park in a disabled parking space, such as a supermarket etc. I actually heard a person state to another person that "he's at home" when they were questioned about parking in a disabled drivers space.
Hi Folks

The last time this question was asked there was a lot of heat and no light. We do not want any opinions on the rights or wrongs - just answers to the questions asked.

MarkJBloggs( or anyone else)
Disabled stickers are issued by the Irish Wheelchair Association on behalf of the Department of Transport. Their website gives no information, but you can ring their office on 045 893 094 who will tell you what the procedure is for getting one, what it entitles the holder to do, and what do do if you feel that it is being abused.

If someone gets this information please produce it here on AAM. Any opinions on the rights and wrongs will be deleted by the moderators.

If any Frequent Users want to let off steam on this or any other issue, they go to the Letting Off Steam forum.

I am very familiar with this area so may I just clarify a few things? What we are referring to above is not 'disabled stickers' but in fact the Disabled Parking Cards. Also known as European Parking Cards, they may be used in the 25 EU states and in other countries. These special cards/stickers that are issued to disabled drivers and certain passengers. They entitle disabled drivers and certain passengers to park for free in public carparks (private carparks may also allow this, but they're not obliged).

To clarify, Disabled Parking Cards are issued not only by the Irish Wheelchair Association, but also by the Disabled Drivers Association. Disabled Parking Cards are not issued by these organisations on behalf of the Department of Transport, instead they are issued by these organisations on behalf of the Health Service Executive (HSE) Areas. (Formerly known as 'health boards').

Oasis have a very comprehensive document on the qualifying criterion for Disabled Persons Parking cards which I would suggest you read here:

Complaints regarding the abuse of Disabled Persons Parking Cards are taken seriously and both organisations are as much aware of potential abuse of cards as you all are. Abusing these cards is a serious matter and complaints should be made directly to either of the issuing organisations. Contact information available on their respective sites.

On a final note, might I add my voice to Rainyday and say that all disabilities may not be visible to the naked eye. Believe me however, the medical qualifying conditions for these cards are stringent and they are not given out willy nilly. Furthermore, you might also consider in future that these cards may be held on behalf of another person, or by a parent for example, in respect of a child.

I hope this has clarified matters.