very slow these days?

I dont think the victim of its own success washes any more TBH.
There are much bigger forums than Boards around & they run much smoother..
OT is about the best example
Look at these specs.
Threads: 3,024,147, Posts: 71,238,307, Members: 162,410
Active Members in the last 30 days: 43,887
Well, I mentioned 'victim of its own success' in the context that it used to have 100% functionality not so long ago. ie. could check 'own posts', 'new posts', search archived posts effectively.
I like a lot but I dont like OT(off topic). A cursory look at the topics marks it out as being cheap nasty and a bit too tabloidy for my taste.

Anyway the guys at boards are confident that they will have the problems sorted out over the next few days.

I am not that keen on OT myself. I was meerly using it as an example that's problems should not be related to the size & functionality of the forums.