BMW Vs Mercedes


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Hi All,

Looking at possible changing my 05 Focus Ghia (33k km - being offered 15950 as a trade in. Does that seem low?) for one of the following two cars;

318CI SE
CLK200 Avantgarde

Both 03, similar mileage.

Initial feeling is the CLK is nicer and more up-to-date looking compared with the 318, in both the interior and exterior.

Not a petrol head so not sure on car specs power etc...

Any thoughts??

Meh...both are fairly unremarkable in my opinion.

The BMW will be reliable. The Merc will not.
If you are going for the BMW coupe though I'd seriously take a look at the 320Ci 6 cyclinder one. A little more insurance and tax wise...but if you look at the figures...and then drive one you'll see it makes sense
hmm not quite the response I was hoping for, but taken on board.

I have looked at the 320ci but there has been very few of note that I've liked and any BMW garage I've been too are offering me less for the Focus (15k highest) and won't come down on car price at all and with the 320 more expensive then the 318 or CLK it out of my reach for the moment. I don't really want to go any older then 03.
I've had both Mercs and a BMW: for reliability I'd go BMW every time. Mercs have taken a hammering in terms of reputation for reliability since the mid- to late-90s, and believe me it's deserved.

The comment about non-6 cylinders not being "proper" BMWs is well out of date: the latest generation fours are a lot better than before, and a lot smoother than most 4's out there. True, at the limit the 6's are smoother, but I certainly wouldn't discount the 4's.

In summary: BMW every time, and don't discount the 4's.
If BMWs are so reliable how come you rarely see them as taxis yet every other taxi is an mercedes or a japenese car. surely that tells you something...
Ten or fifteen years ago, practically every taxi in Gremany was a Merc. Not so now.

As for here, recent BMWs and Mercs are generally both too expensive for taxis:the Mercs you see tend to be older.

Mercs have long since traded on their historic reputation.

No question, Japanese are the most reliable of the lot, but that's not what the OP asked.
If BMWs are so reliable how come you rarely see them as taxis yet every other taxi is an mercedes or a japenese car. surely that tells you something...

In relation to older Mercs ang1170 is right.

In relation to newer Mercs being used as're right. But what makes you think Taxi drivers know a lot about cars? I see absolutely hundreds of new Nissan Primeras as taxis...neither proper Japanese nor particularly reliable.
Mercs still trade on their old build reputation.
I'm not saying Taxi men know lots about cars, but surely they need a car that is realiable considering there lively hood relies on the car they drive. anyhow, all valid opinions and I'm going to look at a BMW 320ci tomorrow evening.
My advice is drive the 320 and the 318 and compare the two.

Then drive the CLK. Regardless of reliability the BMW (in 6 pot format) will be a more involving drive.

I'd spend some time googling the cars as well to get some information on them.

Good look though...I drive a 325Ci so I'm kinda biased in this respect but the 6 pot Beamer really is quite classy.
Oh...also...have you considered selling privately as opposed to trading in?

There's a lot more choice buying privately...especially for 6 pot beamers for some reason. You'll get more for your car and have more choice.

But then again you have the hassle of selling it.
Thanks Gabriel, I drove the CLK yesterday morning and drove a 318ci about 2 weeks ago, and I have to say I thought the merc was a much nicer car, lovely to drive and more modern looking interior. As I mentioned in my original post I'm not a petrol head, I'm more in to my luxury then power.
Not sure I like the idea of spending so much money on a private sell. I know you can get the AA to go over the car but it's something I wouldn't be very comfortable doing. I wouldn't mind but there is a lovely looking BMW on carzone but it's a private sale
3 series bmw's are common as muck these days. if you want something that stands out, buy the merc (as long as its got leather and an auto box.) negotiate a good warranty if you are concerned about reliability

Notwithstanding my earlier advice - it's your cash, so go with what you prefer, which from the sound of it is the Merc. Let's face it, it's not practicality your after here, so don't be swayed by the opinion of others.

But: be extremely careful if buying privately. Get someone who knows the cars (i.e. not just some friend with a bit of general car knowledge) to give it a look over. Do not buy without a verified full service history. There's a lot of imports of these cars around (at least there are of the 3 series cabriolet): if your looking at one of these, get the car's history prior to import.

These can be very expensive machines to fix if anything goes amiss: personally I'd want a decent warrenty with one (which means going to expensive main dealers).

One last thing: I agree 100% on getting the Merc with an auto box - it's very difficult to sell on without it when you've finished with it.
3 series bmw's are common as muck these days. if you want something that stands out, buy the merc (as long as its got leather and an auto box.) negotiate a good warranty if you are concerned about reliability

Sorry...but 4 pot 3 series saloons are common as muck.

6 pot 3 series coupes are not common as muck.

Also agree with autobox for Merc. It's essential.
first off, well under 50 at only 29 - you sound like my wife as she keeps saying to me jerk in a merc or weener in a beemer and all because she says I'm bored with my ford!!),

Merc has leather but is a 6 speed manual. Why so difficult to sell???

hmm lots to consider.
6 speed manual. Why so difficult to sell???

A poster mentioned the 'over 50s' in relation to the Merc - if that's true then maybe you're heading towards an older generation of buyers having a more likely than average preference for auto when it comes to resale?

Dunno - just a guess really...
agree with Gab, its not a proper BMW unless its a 6 cylinder.

I had a Z3 2.2 lt petrol 6 cylinder, then a 318 4 cylinder coupe and now I have a 320 diesel coupe sport 4 cylinder.
The 2.2 is better than the 1.8 but the 2 leter diesel is fantastic, very smoothe and quiet. Quieter and smoother a petrol merc.