BMW/Mini Dealer reneging on price


Registered User
Hi All,

Agreed a deal with a prominent BMW/MINI dealer for a new Mini Cooper last november, just got a phonecall this morning from him saying that BMW/Mini had increased there prices and that the car would cost €600 more.I paid them a €500 deposit in november, Have I to pay this extra as I had a deal already in place? Has anyone else had the same experence?
I had thought that there may have been a thread on this before, but I can't find it.

Do you have a receipt/contract? If so, what does it say?

Could it be that the deposit merely gives you first call on the car but does not guarantee a price?

if you verbaly agreed no good, if you have written quote then you should only have to pay that price.ask for deposit back and go elsewhere if you are not happy
I am sure the written quote has some caveat to cover a manufacturer price increase. No point in going to another Dealer as he will also implement the Price increase an you may have a wait for your chosen colour and spec. My wife has Cooper and its well worth another 500 (which you will get back in your trade in value, eventually)
The only thing you have to concern yourself with is is there anything added to the car you will be buying in terms of service or extras etc, e.g certain things as standard from 2008 onwards, this can be common enough as a car progresses through it's life from manufacturers. Then are those features worth the cash.

Call around other dealers to see if they are increasing their prices on a similarly spec'ed car.

I would have serious doubts to whether the increase was anything but to line the pockets of the dealer. You have remember most of the cars that will be sold in the first couple of months this year would have been ordered at last years prices.

It will be your choice, but so far as to say, if you think the car is worth it, pay. If you don't then don't pay. But it would not take much to make a few calls to see what it would cost in other dealers around the country.
