BMW 520 V Jag XF?


Registered User
Looking to buy a 2008 BMW 520D ,seems very cost effective,low tax and excellent spec,I'm doing 15,000 mls pa BUT am I being very boring? saw the XF looks like a lovely car although a 3ltr,how reliable is Jaguar and am I comparing apples with oranges,all comments appreciatd.
Not that I am considering either, but I think the Jag is a step ahead of the BMW, the XF is a truly eye catching car, I would not turn down a 520 or even better a 530d lovely car but if i had the cash I would def go for the Jag it has had rave reviews and sorry to BMW drivers but has a much classier image.
I would go for the Jag, Beemers are a bit common nowadays and are for the new mondeoman.
It's a good question and I can understand where you are coming from, it's one of those head over heart dilemmas.
A quick glance at suggests that you might pay at least €5K more for the equivalent Jag and that would swing it for me toward the 5, especially if you have not already had mid range BMW.
That said, the quote from from Casino Royale comes to mind.... "There's no point in living if you can't feel alive"
I really like BMWs but that Jag is something else. I think it will date very well too.