BMW 325 CI Sport problems pit falls etc



Hi Guy,s
My other half has been banging on at me to get her a convertable for the up and comming summer, ( she is ever the optomist ) anyway do any of you guys no of any thing in particular that i should look out for in terms of things going wrong with them before i spend my hard earned

She's an optimist for thinking that she might have an irish summer day where she can get the top down alright! :D
If you put the top down you will get wet :D

Apart from that they are a good car.
What year you looking at?
The main problem to look out for in any soft top is dampness, especially if it was used as a second car and may have been laid up for the winter, check under the carpets for any sign of damp. You should also look for the usual problems associated with a convertable, i.e. damage to the roof, some older models will have a "plastic" rear window which tend to go opaque over time.
What year you looking at?
I would check the roof operates properly,listen for unusual noises and creaks.They are a fairly sound car.Besides the roof check for the usual problems when checking over any car.
Is it a convertible she wants or a BMW ? If convertible is the main criteria how about an MX-5 ?