BMW 318 EML light (mondeoman please!!)


Registered User
I recently replaced a coil on a 2002 318 and since then the EML light is on and the engine is racing (I suspect this might be the air mass meter, or should I have replaced all 4 coils??). My question is, is there any way of turning off the EML light through the dash controls?

Also, the key fob isn't working anymore, presumably the battery. Someone told me there's a way to recharge it through the ignition. Anyone know how?

Thanks in advance.
Why did you replace 'that' coil? and was the EML light on at the time?
Its not possible to turn it off through the dash controls.

The key gets charged up when in the ignition.
Its possible it just needs to be re-programmed which is simple enough.If that doesn't work it will most likely be a new key,if you have a spare key check that works first before replacing the original.
Cheers Nissman. Replaced the coil because the engine was spluttering and the wise heads around me told me it was the coil. The EML was on as soon as it started spluttering and has remained on since.

Any reason why the key would have stopped working if it was being charged? No spare unfortunayely and I'm cringing at the probable cost of a new one.
There is a coil per cylinder (4 coils).
You would have to know which one is faulty before replacing it.
It will show up on diagnostics as the EML light is on.

If you don't want to do that you can disconnect each coil seperately with the engine running.If you disconnect the electrical connector on top of the coil and it makes no difference to the engine running you know that is the faulty coil.
If you disconnect and the engine starts to misfire that means its a good coil.
Do this with each one.

The battery's in the key can wear out or its possible that some interference cleared the code.Reprogramming the key might sort it,you can do this by hand.