BMW 316ti Compact 52 Keep cutting out? :o(



Hi Guys,

I hope someone can help me with this. I've have a BMW 316TI 52 Plate Automatic. When i'm drriving the car has started to cut out. I still have lights and the radio is still on but the power stearing does and the engine is dead and even if i press down on the gas nothing happens. I have to pull over and turn the engine off. When i try to restart it sometimes it will just start staright up no problem. Other times it will take 1-3 mins before it will start back up but then it will start up and it will be fine but most of the time when i try to start it back up it is trying to fire up but won't then after about 5 mins it will start up but the Auotomatic transmission light will be on and stay on as well as the Automatic stability control light and dynamic brake control lights. When these lights stay on the car will drive but will judder when u slow down or the gear changes. Any idea what is wrong with it? I have had a service and had the fuel filter changed but that has not helped?

Thank you for your time.


hi does the asc or the dbc lights come on when you engine dies and then when these lights go out the car will start up normally ?