BMW 316i ES buying tomorrow


Registered User
Hi All,

Have choice between 2 BMW's, both 2005 models. One car has 40K the other has 28K and are being sold by official BMW dealers. My question is should I have these cars checked out independently or should I assume all is OK with both cars as each are giving me a 12 month warranty under their premium selection service.
Unless you have some specific reason for getting them independently checked I personally would not go to the expense of getting it done. I would imagine it would cost in the region of €300 per car. The 316 would not be a car bought by someone doing very high mileage and I would suggest that one of the benefits of buying from a dealership is that they would do the necessary checks and servicing before they sell it. Chances are they may have sold the cars from new originally.
The 316i is verrrrrrrrrrrrry underpowered. If that doesn't bother you I can wholeheartedly recommend the 3 Series. If it is sold on the 'Approved Used Car' scheme then it should be more or less perfect and carry a 12 month warranty for peace of mind. There is no need at all to get an independent inspection unless sold privately or from a dodgy independent dealer.
I'd agree: no need for an independent check. BMW dealers are not cheap, but with good reason: they have by far the best cars and a good warrenty (not that you're likely to need it).

I wouldn't worry about the underpowered comment: presumably you drove it and were happy with it, which is all that really matters. It's hard to know where you'd actually use any more power then it has these days.

Best of luck with it!

(In case anyone's wondering, I've no connection with BMW or any of their dealers, other than as a satisfied customer having run a 3-series for a few years, having got it new).
(In case anyone's wondering, I've no connection with BMW or any of their dealers, other than as a satisfied customer having run a 3-series for a few years, having got it new).

Did you really have to flaunt the fact that you got it new??
No - wasn't flaunting it at all. Poorly phrased maybe: the point was that I'd experience of the same/similar car, also bought from a main dealer.
Make sure you clarify what the 12 month warranty covers - clutch etc?

Check the tyres to make sure they are relatively new. You dont want to have to shell out 400 lids to buy new tyres in a couple of months.

Oh yeah and wiper blades - check those too. Very annoying if they are worn.


PS. Make sure they give you a full tank of petrol

You have bought at this stage but if not two quick things to bear in mind
- 316, won't be popular model when u try to sell, if its 2005 now and keep for 3 years will be very affordable then and not exactly the desired model


- if you have to go for the 316 try get the SE spec not the ES for similar reasons as above, (ie not the entry level car with entry level spec)

All that said they a fabulous car and if you have bought the very best of lcuk and happy motoring.