BMW 3 series back seats


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Does anyone know if the back seats on an 04 BMW 3 series saloon can be let down? I had a quick look and didn't spot any obvious buttons, levers etc. Would save me 80euro on a bike rack if it was possible! cheers
Hi, I drive a 04 3 series saloon and the seats don't go down on mine.
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This was only an option on the 3 series and a pretty expensive one too so I would imagine that most 3 series won't have back seats that fold down.
Standard on the Ti , but not the other models.

Should be a flap on top of the back seats (one left and one right) if it's fitted.
I drive a 04 coupe and the levers for letting the seats down are accessed through the boot, might be worth checking
Cheers, I'll have a look. Doesn't sound too promising though as mine is standard, no extras!! Looking like a bike rack will have to be purchased. Thanks.