BMI to heathrow - onboard services


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We haven't travelled with BMI before but will be going to Heathrow with them next week.
We're wondering if they serve snacks onboard free like in the Good Old Days or have they turned in to expensive mobile snack bars like Aer Lingus & Ryanair?
Any other differences with BMI - good or bad - from the other airlines on this route?
Have you read their website? For example...

Always had good experiences of BMI. Less queuing at Dublin airport has generally been my experience! Their flights are not always completely full also. They sell snacks on board like everyone else.
They are also the only airline still doing business class if you like to pay an extra €150.00 for a newspaper and a sandwich.
I flew with them (economy) in Feb to LHR and found them to be the most unprofessional airline I've ever experience. Cabin crew were rude, openly slagging off other cabin crew members within earshot and it all kicked off.

Service incredibly slow, if you're near the back of the aircraft (ie Tiny fare) don't expect to get anything. And in economy you pay for everything.

Based on my experience, I'd choose Ryanair over BMI any day!!
I tend to use them pretty regularly on LHR-DUB ... they used to be better before they got rid of the free food and drink (about 18 months ago)

Generally speaking I prefer BMI to Aer Lingus ... mainly for frequent flyer program reasons though !... Principal drawback is they've got less flights than Aer Lingus (roughly every 2 hours as opposed to Aer Lingus who are roughly hourly)

Based on my experience I certainly wouldn't put them in the same space as Ryanair like sheshells.

Pricewise they're usually fairly like for like with Aer Lingus on the Heathrow run and I've generally found their punctuality to be much the same as Aer Lingus on that route as well.

Seats on BMI are more comfortable than the new Aer Lingus seats - not that that matters much on a 50 minute flight

The whole standard fare / tiny fare nonsense that they have is a bit confusing though and not very obvious to most people (or indeed anybody I think!)
Of the airlines travelling to London they are probably the best but that not really saying much given the competition. They are usually pretty friendly and reliable and the planes are in good nick. They are also competitive on price and have the advantage of a good frequent flyer program which is the reason I chose them whenever I can. As regards on board snacks they can keep them. Most people can last an hour without eating and drinking.

Ryanair won't get you to London Heathrow. My son travelled with them to Heathrow recently. He was home on holidays and had a return flight with Aer Lingus but got a early call back to work at very short notice and he actually booked a flight with BMI cheaper then changing his flight date with Aer Lingus.
How long does it take from Dublin to Heathrow?

Flying time is usually about 55 minutes to 1 Hour 10. Taxi time usually 10-15 mins at both ends however flights can be delayed if there is traffic congestion in LHR (which there often is)
I know Ryanair don't get you to Heathrow but Gatwick is almost as handy IMO. My preferred Airline to London is none of these though, Air France to London City is worth the extra if you can afford it. Return about €150.

Heading over next week and should be in the hotel 30 mins after landing.