Bluetooth of Ford Focus 08



Can someone please please please help me with this. I cannot find an answer anywhere !!!

I have just bought a new ford focus 08 plate in the UK. Will a iphone 3G be compatible with the bluetooth system and have full function capabilities ????

Many thanks

p.s what is the satnav system like ?
Did you ask the dealer you bought from?

Other options, if the dealer cannot answer your questions, are the manuals that came with the car or the Ford web-site., here [broken link removed]
Sort of. Its says post 09/08 production. Apple i phone. Pre 09/08 production No Apple I phone. Ford cant realy give me a proper answer.

Just wondering if anyone else has had / not had this problem

Anyone else ????
As I said before the make or brand of the phone is unimportant as long as it has bluetooth.
I wouldn't be 100% sure about that.
Also how much you can use the phone with the radio varies by phone model.
Some will display caller names, some won't. Some will be able to access the phones phonebook and scroll through it and some won't.
Ok, thanks mik. All I am really interested in is the bluetooth being able to connect so I can receive and make calls. Is this the case ?
Your phone should pair with the system when the bluetooth is activated. I have 2 nokia phones and a motorolla paired with mine and you can scroll calls in/out and the phonebook.

Phones are a 6500 clasic, 6300 and MotoKRZRK1

Hope this helps
