

Registered User

Sorry wasn't sure where to post this?

Anyway, I bought a VW Golf which had a Nokia wireless Bluetooth thingy:D already in it. I've never used it as have an I-phone 4. The thingy used to bleep intermittently but now it seems to be much more frequently.

The thing is-I'm now it my house (trying to sleep)...the car is in the driveway & I can hear the bleeping from here & it's driving me insane :(

Anyone any idea on how I shut this thing up?

Thanks ;)
Not being smart, but read the manual that came with the car. For VW's they are usually tucked in the glove box
Not being smart, but read the manual that came with the car. For VW's they are usually tucked in the glove box

The glove box is on the side of the car that doesn't have the steering wheel, in front of the seat but under the front window ;)