Blueface Phone service


Registered User
I'm looking at changing phone provider at present and this crowd-Blueface are offering unlimited National calls in Ireland and the UK for 15 Euros a month and no line rental(25Euro a month saving).Where is the catch?
Blueface is voip, so you need to have a broadband connection. Have a look on, they have a whole forum on voip & some blueface users.
I'm a Blueface subscriber and can speak for their service. Their support is the best I've come across too. Not that you'll need it much. I have been a little concerned at their adverts though claiming that you can get rid of line rental. I would imagine that this is only restricted to those who subscribe to a wireless or cable modem ISP. If you get your broadband service over your phone line, you will still need to pay line rental. So their advert is a little misleading.