Blue Tooth Fuel Cut Off


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We see lots of car programmes on TV of car chases and the dangers involved, use of crude devices like stingers etc. Why can we not invent a fuel cut-off operated by a Bluetooth device? Manufacturer would have to fit it to all new cars and the Garda would be the only ones with a communications device to shut it off. When they are in range of a stolen car they could simply shut off the fuel.
In theory the banks are supposed to be the only ones with ATM readers, but we know this isn't the case. Restricting technology to a certain community is difficult to impossible. If this was made standard on all vehicles, the abuse would be horrendous, and jammers rendering the police shut-off ineffective would be widespread.

Remote shut down technology already exists.
Blue tooth only has about 10 meters range

Class 1 Bluetooth devices have a range up to 100m. They use a more powerful transmitter than the class 2 ones commonly found in headsets, etc.